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Part 2 - Crow Feathers

Writer's picture: Victoria LVictoria L

In the background of all the house and moving chaos, we where desperately trying to help our beautiful chocolate lab - Reese recover from Lymes disease. You are probably going to want to grab some tissues to get through this one, I know I need them to write it.

While all the craziness of moving our kids across the country, selling our house and packing up life as we knew it was going on, our Reesey was battling for her life, and we where doing everything we could do to find answers. In July our fun loving little girl went from running faster than the eye could follow on our bush walks to being almost completely paralyzed in her back end in less than 24 hours. We where fortunate enough to be able to get her into an emergency vet right away, as our own vet and many others did not have any appointments available. She was tested and it was confirmed that she had contracted Lymes, and a form of it that seemed to be extremely aggressive. We were given the antibiotics and sent home to hope and pray for the best. The Vet warned us that the side effect of this aggressive lymes could be kidney issues, the kicker was, that was also a side effect of the medication. We did the medication, watching her move slower and slower each day. She was in visible discomfort, we could see that the lymes was causing an arthritis like flare up, we massaged her, put heat on her sore hips, and prayed that the antibiotics would fix all this. When she finished her 30 days, her symptoms had greatly improved, or so it seemed, and she was starting to want to go for walks again, go to the beaches again, winced less when she jumped up onto the bed.

We all had hopes that she would make the trip with us out west to be back with her boy, but all of a sudden she started to decline again. I called our vet, and EVERY vet within a one hour car ride of our place, no one would see her. The emergency Vet we saw to have her treated initially refused her, telling me that even if I showed up, they have locked all the doors and would not let us in. They told us to try another animal emergency who told me the same thing. The only help I could get was from a holistic vet who suggested some homeopathics, but also said that it sounded like the lymes came back even stronger, and wondered if it was the treatment resistant strain they had been seeing. When I say we did everything in our power to help her, I am not joking.

I reached out to an animal communicator, I asked her to talk to Reese for us, find our what was wrong. She indicated that Reese was struggling, she wasn't eating because I had hid her pills in her food and she knew that they made her sick, and she also asked for some liver treats. I loaded her up in the car right away, headed to the store and got her liver treats. She ate almost an entire bag, then wanted to walk around the parking lot with more bounce in her step than I had seen in days. She continued like this for about a week. we took her everyplace we went, when she was out, she would eat liver treats, smell all the smells and just seem so much happier. Then once she got back home she was depressed, sore and abnormally quiet. We would later learn from Chase that when she was a pup and training her he had used liver treats. I had no memory of ever getting liver treats for the dogs, but learning this was a confirmation that Reese really was talking to the Communicator.

Her health kept declining. I would beg her, just get better! Get out WEST, Please just hang on. We sat out on the back porch one afternoon, she was so tired, but she wanted to be in the sun. As I sat with her, the crows came to see her. We had a murder of 5 crows, lead my an older female I called Meredith that where always at our place. They would often join our flock in the cope, and would great me almost every morning when I stepped out to get the sun in my eyes. This day they all came, all 5 right in our yard. Just a couple feet from us. Meredith perched herself on the shed and began calling to Reese and I. I heard her ask "Can we take her?" NO, NO Absolutely NOT! She isn't leaving us yet I screamed at her, angry she would ask. "Can she come with us, we need her, can we take her?" I told the crows that I wasn't ready for this, that we still needed her, but I could feel the urgency and could sense that this was beyond what I was understanding, I looked down at Reese, she lifted her head and looked into my eyes with a look of urgent desperation. I knew she was such a goo pup, and would not do anything we told her not to, so I agreed. I told the crows that if they wish to journey with her, they can, but that I needed her here and they couldn't take her for good. Reese let out a deep exhale, settled her head back onto her front paws and closed her eyes. At the same time the 4 other crows joined Meredith on the shed roof, then all flew away together. I wasn't sure what was happening, or what the crows wanted with her. I had believed for years that crows where messengers of darkness, bringing us into death and transitions. It has only been recently that I learned that Crows aren't actually black, they are iridescent rainbows. Our eyes are not able to process the amazing and beautiful colours of their feathers, but they are actually a rainbow of purples, greens and blues. They are more connected to the spirit realm with wisdoms from higher powers than we often give then credit for. Yes they are connected to passing over and death, but they are also messengers of new beginnings and hope. Here's where is gets "weird" if you will. After about an hours rest, Reese woke up and wanted to head out to the bush for a walk. It was a very slow walk, we stopped often to smell things, rest and have water from the tree stump bowls nature had created. She seemed to be very content to saunter with me, looking back every so often to check on me, but never more than and couple feet away. As we headed back to the house, there was a beautiful crow feather, right there on the walk way. About an hour after we got home, Chase (our son and Reese's Boy) messaged us in the family chat. A giant Raven had spent the entire day watching him, it had perched on his machine even. It followed him all over the job site, not afraid of the big noisy heavy equipment he was operating. He sent a picture to us all, there is was a GIANT raven, perched just feet away from him, looking right at him. I knew it was her, what I didn't want to admit was that she had gone to see him with the crows as her messengers because She knew she wasn't going to make it out west to be with him.

It's often thought that signs from spirit come to us just for the happy moments and to lift us back up. The thing is, in order to know true happiness and light we also have to know the sadness and dark. My good friend Rhonda came the week before we were schedule to leave and drive across the country. The house sold, we were packed up, the stuff we needed was already being shipped to the caribbean, we just had to get across. Rhonda is also an animal communicator, and Reese also told her how tired she was and how ready to go she was. Rhonda did some reiki with her, and really tried to help with Reese's discomfort. I am forever grateful for the time Rhonda spent with her. Before we left Reese told Rhonda, "I am thirsty, but thirsty for a big drink of ice cold water." She showed Rhonda an image of a water bottle filled with ice and water, then said "I just need the cold icy water."

Reese would pass away in Justin's arms on the grassy sitting area at The Voyageur's Lodge - Home of the world famous Apple Fritter just moment's after having a final swim and big drink from Lake Superior, one of the coldest lakes in north America. Justin, Jacob and I watched her take a final breath, as people walked around the grassy area pointing, whispering and watching. She knew how she wanted to go, and she knew she was not making it out to Chase. I also deeply believe that she had already connected with the very kind man that we found while staying in Thunder Bay that was able to have her cremation done within 24 hours. Not having her with us to complete the journey was more difficult than I can express, but showing up at our son's house without her to greet him tore a piece of my heart that I am still not sure how to recover from.

Life and spirt can be both beautiful and painful, and both can exist in the same moment. Both can be felt as polar opposites all in the same moment. Loosing Reese brought devastation, yet at the same time allowed us to open to the capacity for something more, and that my friends is part three,,,, the story of some broken legs!

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