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Part 1 - Purple Cars, Crow Feathers and broken legs....

Writer's picture: Victoria LVictoria L

It's been way to long since I have sat and shared an update! I feel like i have been in a vortex where time was both insanely FAST, and slow as molasses as well. It has been a whirlwind of change, unexpected and beautiful synchronistic moments all at the same time.

Where to begin..... I feel like I need to start way back over a decade ago when Justin and I first started thinking about how much really wanted to find our perfect island escape,,,, but that would make this a novel, not a blog post. So let me start back in August of this year.

By mid August I was honestly feeling like this move, this different life, this pipe dream of ours would never happen. We had had our house listed for MONTHS, and nothing seemed to be happening. The oldest boys had moved on to new lives in Alberta, our youngest excited for the possibility of no longer having to attend physical school, yet things where stagnant. I had many moments of big angry tears, yelling at the universe and wondering why it had teased us with this beautiful island life dream. I was angry that it wasn't happening the way that I had thought it should all unfold, I wanted the house SOLD, I wanted to get across the country to see the new life our oldest two had started for themselves, I WANTED!! I was NOT trusting though, I was stuck on my ideals for the best course of actions. I was frustrated, and I was not trusting that this was all working in divine timing. I would sit everyday, seeing the vision of the life, the house, the places we would visit, I KNEW it was coming, yet I felt overwhelmed by the human side of me, the doubting side.

One of the days that I was feeling particularly frustrated with my plans vs the universe plans I was scrolling through facebook. A friend a fellow Manifestation Course Student / now Coach posted this story of how things where going so crazy wrong on their family vacation, and she was frustrated, so she asked for a sign. She said to spirit, if things are going to work out, show me a PURPLE car. Guess what, she saw the purple car and things really did work out for the best for her family! I sat with this story for a couple days, still not really sure that our dreams where ever going to be our reality. We had NO showings on the house, no real interest, and my poor agent had had to endure many hours of my whining and frustrations.

It was a Thursday morning, I was sitting doing my gratitude journal, cards and morning meditation. I said out loud; "If our house is going to sell before we plan on leaving show me a PURPLE car, if not show me the letters N O in bold somewhere that I cant miss it." I let it go, tired of my own complaining and frustration, got ready and headed to work. Of course I spent the entire drive intensely looking at every car trying to decipher the royal blue ones that I felt looked kinda purple..... no purple car. No purple car on the way home, no purple car on the way to the store,,,, not a single purple car in sight,,,, yet.

We where having a late dinner on the back porch, the only place left in the house that had a table and chairs. Most of the house contents had gone across the country with our oldest two and we had been left living out suitcases, rubbermaid totes and cardboard boxes. We where just finishing up dinner as I was just about to get up and clear the table when I heard a very clear "get the FUCK UP" from spirit. "what? why?" "GET. THE. FUCK. UP.", as I stood up, I saw the back half of a dark coloured scion pulling a jet ski. That's not really purple, it's more maroon I though to myself as I walked inside with the dishes and my phone. I goggled what colour does the scion square car come in, and waited to see that purple WAS NOT one of them. The first car that pops up? The exact car that I saw, description.... PURPLE... well Fuck! Still not convinced (because I am ever the skeptic) I walk back out to the porch, phone in hand with the picture of the car, and say "what colour do you think this is?" before showing Justin the phone or saying ANYTHING else. Jacob pipes up and says "I guess Purple", Justin looks at the phone and says "ya, purple." Here's the thing, Jacob didn't see the picture, and he thought I had asked him to guess a colour. There, I had confirmation, I say my purple car. I physically felt a massive weight lift from my shoulders, I just knew in that moment that yes, it would actually work out, and yes I could finally relax and let the divine timing. I had a peace come over me, I knew it would work out and I knew that I could stop with all the frustration and worry. I started to trust more, and allow more flow. The thing with trust and flow is that sometimes the things that happen, we can't always see the reasons for. Sometimes the pathways are more difficult than we think we can bear, sometimes the symbols and signs that show up are preparing us for heartbreak too. Like the crow feathers. But those are a story for part two.

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