Summary In this final episode, Victoria discusses the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and building resilience during perimenopause. She emphasizes that a positive mindset does not mean ignoring challenges, but rather approaching them with hope and a constructive attitude. Victoria shares strategies for building resilience, including self-compassion, mindfulness, connection, and staying open to change. She also provides practical tips for maintaining a positive mindset, such as practicing gratitude, using positive affirmations, managing stress, setting meaningful goals, and prioritizing holistic self-care.
Victoria (00:02.113)
Okay guys, welcome to the final episode in this mini series. Gosh, this has been so much fun to put together and to record. I am just, I'm so grateful for, you know, that you guys were, you've reached out over the last couple months and given me these ideas and these questions. I really do appreciate it. So today, episode six, final episode, maintaining a positive mindset and building resilience. Wah wah.
Right now, before we go too far into this, I really want to preface this by saying that maintaining a positive mindset does not mean that you're a delusional that thinks that everything is sunshine, rainbows and butterflies. A big part of having a positive mindset is knowing that no matter what things will work out and being okay with the fact that you need to feel through the muck and the mire sometimes. Okay. So,
Let's dig in. We are back here for our final episode, like I said, and guys, today's episode is dedicated to maintaining that positive mindset, to building that resilience as we navigate through perimetopause and all this change that happens and beyond. Now, before we dive in, I do want to express my gratitude again. You guys, I am so grateful. I'm so grateful for all of you sharing your stories.
your feedback, your experiences, your feedback and your experiences, and you're being willing to share with me what the heck you're going through to really do make this podcast a supportive and empowering community, right? Your stories are what I gather to research, to find information, and to help them. So many of you have shared how maintaining a positive mindset
has helped you through your ups and downs of pre -menopause. One listener who shared with me how she practices her daily gratitude and how really grabbing the Daily Gratitude Journal and using that every morning as part of her morning practice has helped her shift her perspective. It's helping her find joy in everyday moments and really helping her shift into that space.
Victoria (02:28.193)
of focusing on the things that we have to be grateful for instead of the have -nots, right? Another listener shared how developing a daily meditation practice has brought peace and clarity. And I love that, right? Because here's the thing, she shared with me about her meditation and how she's really enjoying it. She still has a bit of a monkey mind. And when she reached out, she was asking,
So how do I make my mind be quiet? And I said, it's not about that. It's just about acknowledging those thoughts and allowing yourself to stay as present as you can. It's called a practice for a reason because we never really get super good at it. We just keep practicing. So these stories, and your guys' shares really highlight the importance of mindset and resilience.
as we navigate through our Prairie Metapod. So thank you, thank you, thank you all for sharing your journeys with me and your stories. I really do appreciate it. So let's dig into the power of positive mindset. A positive mindset can profoundly impact our experience in Prairie Metapod. It doesn't mean, like I said, that we just ignore the challenges, stick our fingers in our ears and go, la la la la la, nothing's happening to me. But rather, let's...
coach them with a hopeful and a constructive attitude. Research shows, and when you look at the research, we see that a positive outlook can really improve our overall well -being. It can enhance our coping skills. And you know what, guys? Cool thing, it actually even helps boosting our immune system. So why not, right?
So by focusing on what we can control and finding meaning in our experiences, we do have this ability to foster resilience and thrive in life instead of feeling pulled down, right? So how do we build resilience? Right? Resilience is our ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to challenges. It's a skill that can be developed. It's like a muscle. We can make it stronger.
Victoria (04:48.833)
and we can strengthen it over time. Here are some of the strategies that I have found really helpful in building resilience during pain metaphors and some of the strategies that came up in the research I did to try and figure out how do we actually do that? So number one, self -compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you do others, especially during your difficult times.
right? Compassion can reduce stress and promote emotional well -being. How many times when you feel like you're floundering or failing at something, do you go to the mind frame of, I'm not good at this, yeah, I suck, this is horrible. What if you practice self -compassion in those moments instead? What if you shifted that narrative and that mindset from, I'm no good at this, to at least I'm trying.
Right? That's a huge difference, a huge shift in the energy around that. Number two, practice your mindfulness. You know, mindfulness, you can practice this to stay present, fully engaged with your experiences. Mindfulness can help you manage stress and can really enhance your emotional resilience. Right? And one of the things that I, I'm learning to do, I'm not gonna say I'm totally good at it yet, but I'm learning to do is those emotions that we label bad.
Right? Good and bad emotions. Those ones that we label bad. When I get mindful with them, when I stay present with them, I realize that they're not necessarily bad emotions. They're just emotions. They're just ways that I feel in that moment that it's okay to feel them. Right? So I become mindful of what my body is saying, how my emotions are being expressed. And I take away that good or bad label. And that has really helped me to be able to process and manage
in those moments of stress and really just feels good, honestly. It feels good to process those things. And then we move into connection, right? We talked about this last week about the importance of connecting and having those people around us that really support us. So connect, build and maintain strong social connections. I know for myself when it really first hit me really hard, hearing menopause, I wanted to hide in a pool.
Victoria (07:09.793)
I've spoken with some of you that felt the same way. We disconnect, we go, you know, like, leave me alone, which is fine, because sometimes you do need to, you do need to have those moments for yourself. But I think what's important is that we know that we still need those social connections, right? You know, men is an island unto themselves, or no woman. So making sure to, you know, have those supportive relationships.
And that does mean setting really healthy boundaries, putting, not putting yourself in situations where, you know, you know, that those people don't understand and they're judging you, putting yourself in spaces where the people that you're sitting with understand and are able to provide comfort and encouragement during what you're going through, right? Stay open to change. This is huge, right? Cause I mean, honestly,
We, I feel like we are changing on the daily in this space. And I don't mean just like emotionally, we're all over the place. We're changing daily. Although that is true. I mean, like we have these, I don't know what you, but I have like these aha moments, these what the moment every single day. So if you're able to stay open to change and be willing to kind of adjust your goals and expectations, I am literally preaching to myself right now, literally.
I'm going to pause and share this with you. So I have a huge goal in mind and something that I really want to accomplish. And I have it like, this is the way it has to get done. Okay. It has to be done ABC way. And I'm getting frustrated because it's not getting done ABC way. And in my mind, this is how it should be done. So it doesn't make sense. How come it's not? And I reached out to a really good friend of mine and I
kind of just spilled out all of it. I'm like, I'm having a really hard time. It's not going the way. And you know, I keep asking for signs and I keep getting the big, huge, fuck yeah signs. I keep getting them. But the way in which it's happening isn't happening in the way that I thought it should. So she reminded me that sometimes we have to adjust our goals and expectations. That's literally what she reminded me of this morning.
Victoria (09:34.561)
So I'm sitting here practicing what I preach and I am going to start to be flexible so that, you know, this flexibility can help me navigate through this uncertainty of this change of what's happening in my life and through my perimenopause. And I just navigate through it with better ease and grace, right? Because I am not, I am not in charge of how the universe rolls, which I was, but I'm not. So I'm learning to be flexible.
I totally forgot that I wrote that in there today. So I needed that apparently. Thank you, spirit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So, okay, great. We need to do these things, right? But what are some practical tips and takeaways that we can use to actually start to maintain a positive mindset to build these resiliencies and help us move forward into the stage feeling, you know, a little bit more on it.
Number one, guys, our gratitude practice. Grab the gratitude journal. Start a daily gratitude practice. The journal that I have for you, the 28 day strategy, gratitude, it literally has prompts for you every day to help you focus on the positive aspects of your life, help you move away from, you know, those
I set it up in alignment with what happens with our hormones. So, you know, when you're in that phase where you're like, I hate everybody. Well, I'm going to prompt you to remind you that there are people in your life that you don't hate, that you love and that love you, right? It is an amazing practice. Take a couple minutes every morning, grab the gratitude journal. It's on Amazon. It was literally 15 bucks on Amazon. Dirt tube, three months worth of gratitude prompts. Grab it and get started.
Number two, positive affirmations. I really like positive affirmations because they help me to rewire the thought process in my brain. So my, a lot of us have the brain that's really easy to point out the negative, to point out what's wrong, to say, you know, this isn't working. So grabbing positive affirmations helped me to reinforce that hopeful and constructive mindset.
Victoria (11:58.145)
as opposed to leaning into the negative mindset. So that is a really great thing to have. Again, I have a whole thing on YouTube of affirmations. So it's an affirmations meditation. There's a whole section. Go on the YouTube and find that great way to kind of plug it into your ear and to just listen on repeat, right? And the three stress management. Yes, I'm talking about it again, because it's such an important part of this space.
Incorporating stress reduction, extra, blah, incorporating language therapy, incorporating stress, reducing activities, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, get those in your routine, find something that works for you in your routine, right? Also, goal setting. This actually can be really helpful. Set realistic and meaningful goals that align with your values and your passion. So
Guys, I'm not saying like I have this goal to lose 40 pounds and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying set a meaningful goal that allows you to care for yourself. So maybe, you know, today I am, I am, I'm going to nourish my money today, or I'm going to, I'm going to make that point to have three self quick care moments every single week, right? Whatever that is for you.
Just something that was really meaningful to you. Maybe you want to grab coffee with a bestie, something like that, you know. Self -care, again, prioritizing self -care activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Look at self -care as a full holistic approach, right? What are you going to do for your body? What are you going to do for your mind? What are you going to do for your spirit? Maybe for your mind, you read 10 pages of your favorite book. Maybe for your body, you go for a walk.
Maybe for your spirit, you take a moment meditation or prayer, right? Those, that is self care, a holistic self care. It's really important to look at all, all parts. So I hope that during the series, you've had the opportunity to learn something new or to put into practice some of these practical tips that I've been sharing with you. But before we wrap up, I do want to continue to hear
Victoria (14:23.233)
from you guys. I want to know how are you maintaining a positive mindset? How are you stepping into building resilience? You know, how are you doing these things that help you when you have felt like you've been struggling? What strategies are actually working? Share your stories and your questions with me. Your insights are invaluable to building this community.
You can reach out to me on the website www .treepoles .online or connect on any of the social media, whether it's the Facebook group or the Instagram, make sure to connect and share, right? Let's continue to support each other as we journey. And this is all about coming back to becoming whole again. So thank you for joining me on this final episode. I'm kind of sad to be wrapping this up, but this final episode,
of our mini series and I appreciate so much that you've been here along this journey sharing with me and participating in this mini series. Do not forget to subscribe to rate and review the podcast. Your feedback helps me grow and it really helps me to reach more women who can benefit from these discussions. So until next time, nurture your mindset, build your resilience and embrace.
this journey with positivity and the strength that I know you have inside.